Updates: Good News, Challenges, And Humbling Reality Checks
There comes a time in every business venture when reality creeps up on you and takes a bite. Online business ventures are no different. These humbling realities come in many different forms for each individual or business and toss up a wall that feels impassable at the time of the reality check.
Below I’ll list some of our updates since the last time and point out some of the humbling realities we faced in the Scorpion Agency venture we embarked on.
Current Updates:
The good news:
- We’ve added new blog series categories to the navigation (Now available: Domain industry, Brand Development, Design industry, & Travel Log).
- We’ve updated our contact page and about us page details.
- We’ve updated our Terms of Service.
- We’ve been researching additional WordPress plugins to determine which ones may benefit future developments.
- We’ve been actively writing articles (one or two per week).
- We’ve been actively engaging social media (E.g. LinkedIn, FaceBook, Reddit, etc.)
- We’ve pivoted and started research to target a few different niche consumer markets (In addition to current ones we target)
- We’ve added a partners page and only list the individuals and companies we have collaborated with over the years and can trust. These are the people and companies we refer clients to for services we don’t offer, so it’s imperative we can trust them prior to a referral being made.
- We’ve added an FAQ page and will continue to update it periodically.
The Challenges And Humbling Reality Checks:
- We’ve experienced first hand the downtime and frustration of running a web based business on an old server (We still use the same one we started on in 2005) and now looking into a server upgrade since the reality of an older server is that you can only patch/update it to a certain point before no more patches/updates can be made (E.g. Old and new technology clash).
- With new found exposure in our business, we have now experienced being targeted by hackers on our local IP/Mac router. Thankfully, we were able to catch it in time and nothing was compromised. Our system has been updated to the newest technology and security features with a new Mac/IP router.
- With our assets tied up and unable to be liquidated to reinvest in our business at the moment, we’ve now experienced some funding pitfalls.
- Working long hours (12 to 16 per day, 7 days a week with no days off) on various projects and with various clients, it puts a strain on ones family life due to limited availability.
Upcoming Goals:
Below I’ll outline some of our short term and long term goals.
Short Term Goals:
- Continue publishing articles (One or two per week).
- Continue researching new niche consumer markets and structure a targeted campaign for each.
- Work smarter, not harder. Streamline some of the daily tasks and eliminate ones that are unproductive.
- Continue reaching out and partnering with individuals/companies we’ve collaborated with over the years and can trust.
- Continue social engagement and make a few small changes to increase production.
- Continue updating the FAQ page.
Long Term Goals:
- Hire a developer locally.
- Hire a field or online sales representative locally.
- Invest in merchandising opportunities.
- Invest in Swag.
- Reinvest and update our other promotional materials: Signage, business cards, letterheads, stationary, vehicle wrap, etc..
In Conclusion:
Running a business isn’t easy. There are going to be a lot more humbling pitfalls to overcome as we continue to grow. The good news for our existing and future readers/clients is; We’ve been around since 2005 and every pitfall we overcome in business, benefits them as well.
Happy business building everyone!
- Establishing Elusive Value - December 21, 2019
- The Evaluation of Lagster.com - December 15, 2019
- Updates: Domain Name Discovery / A New Journey / And A New Project - February 1, 2018