Updates: Journal, Directional Mapping, and Psychology

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Just an update outlining some of the changes in this business model. As we all know, businesses are constantly changing or getting left behind. With that in the back of our mind, I’m consistently researching new, innovative, creative, and cost effective ways to expand my knowledge base, which in return, expands our business and benefits our clients.

For those of you subscribers that already own successful businesses or retired and like business case studies for future investments, I keep it very transparent in my writings about this business model. I would like to think of it as an open and public case study of an online business that’s constantly evolving.

Below are some of the updates:

  • From Blog to Journal – With the above in mind, I decided to change the word “Blog” to the word “Journal”. Everyone has blogs and share targeted content to their audiences, however, not many share what’s happening with their business (inside & out). The ability for a reader to see both sides of a business is essential in learning how an online business works while enjoying some of the other educational, inspiring, and motivational content. This, to me, is more of a journal, sharing some of my notes, knowledge, research, and studies with our readers.
  • Ease of Navigation – It started to become obvious that the content is growing steadily. Because of this, some articles will eventually be buried. Even with deep linking techniques in articles, you’re going to miss a few from time to time and that’s when articles start to drop out of search engines (The algorithm only goes so deep in links before it stops and moves on). Additionally, readers may not be able to find what they were looking for due to lack of directional mapping. To solve this, I have started to create sub-categories for the articles so that readers can quickly find the topics they are most interested in reading. Check it out by hovering your mouse/cursor over the “Journal” link in the top navigation and then hover over one of the categories with an arrow to the right of it. That will show the new sub-categories I’m slowly adding. I’ll continue to branch it out as more articles are published that can justify adding a new category.
  • Subscriptions – We detected a bug in one of our last subscription emails that ended up double sending an article. We have fixed this bug and appoligize for the double email last time.
  • Psychology – After being inspired in a discussion I was having with a few people on FaceBook the other day, I decided to start researching and studying psychology again. On the menu for my brains enjoyment is: Psychology 101, Social/Community Psychology, Consumer Psychology and Behavior Psychology. These types of studies can be very beneficial to our business, clients, partners and readers. I may write an article in the future with some of the key takeaways I soaked up from it that you might be interested in reading.
  • Societies/Associations/Communities – Our footer now showcases a few of the societies/associations/communities we are proud to be members of. Note: Duns & Bradstreet and SAM.gov associations allow us to apply for Government contracts, grants and loans (When applicable).

Thanks for being a subscriber and loyal reader.

Happy business building everyone.

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Eric Lyon

Entrepreneur, Freelancer, Domain Investor/Developer, Brand Designer, Brand Manager, Founder of Scorpion Agency™, Founder of OfficeDrift™, And A Father. Since 1996, Eric has managed companies with 240+ employees, online communities with over 1 million members, attended numerous industry related events/conventions and has personally worked with start-ups, personalities, small mom and pop businesses, corporations, freelancers, news outlets, and a variety of domain investors one-on-one from all over the world. That equates to a lot of years behind the scenes with his fingers firmly on the pulse of multiple industries. LinkedIn: Profile/Resume - FaceBook: Profile/Social