Happy Valentines Day! 2017

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I just wanted to take a moment to wish all my friends, family, and even total strangers a Happy Valentines Day. Honestly, I still have a hard time wrapping my head around this day and still think there are some phycological ulterior motives behind the promotion of this man-made Holiday. However, one thing I can agree with on this day is that it reminds everyone how important the loved ones are in their life. There is no replacement or value that can be put on the human heart or the bond people make with one another.

This day isn’t about how much money you can spend on someone else, it’s about reminding the people that love you, you love them too. They are not alone in this world.  The comfort and happiness that a simple hug, thank you, or saying “I love you” can bring is priceless.

I thank every one of the gods each day for the gift of love and compassion my wife and children have brought me. It wasn’t easy getting where I am today and frankly, I never thought I would live to see age 20, let alone age 42. I’m happy! Yes, I’m very happy in my non-materialistic life with my loving wife by my side.

For those of you out there on this day traveling or staring blankly at a computer screen, it’s important that you know someone out there cares about you too. Even if they never sent a card, made a phone call, or tapped you on the shoulder because life got busy and they forgot or they simply don’t know how to express them self. Know that you are loved and cared for on this fine day as well.

Happy Valentines Day!

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Eric Lyon

Entrepreneur, Freelancer, Domain Investor/Developer, Brand Designer, Brand Manager, Founder of Scorpion Agency™, Founder of OfficeDrift™, And A Father. Since 1996, Eric has managed companies with 240+ employees, online communities with over 1 million members, attended numerous industry related events/conventions and has personally worked with start-ups, personalities, small mom and pop businesses, corporations, freelancers, news outlets, and a variety of domain investors one-on-one from all over the world. That equates to a lot of years behind the scenes with his fingers firmly on the pulse of multiple industries. LinkedIn: Profile/Resume - FaceBook: Profile/Social

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