2am and wide awake in Houston, Texas

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You read the title correctly. It’s passed 2am here in Houston, Texas and I’m still wide awake with Amanda and our 7mo old son Julian. he’s decided once again to go on a sleep strike and that we both need to be up with him.

He’s too cute to be mad at though, so figured it was the perfect time to test blogging from my win 8.5 Nokia smart phone.

So far so good with the texting part.

Eric Lyon

Testing the insert image feature seems to work on the phone as well, except it doesn’t allow uploading. I can only use images already in the gallery. I guess I’ll need to research a better way to upload images from my phone to the gallery.



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Eric Lyon

Entrepreneur, Freelancer, Domain Investor/Developer, Brand Designer, Brand Manager, Founder of Scorpion Agency™, Founder of OfficeDrift™, And A Father. Since 1996, Eric has managed companies with 240+ employees, online communities with over 1 million members, attended numerous industry related events/conventions and has personally worked with start-ups, personalities, small mom and pop businesses, corporations, freelancers, news outlets, and a variety of domain investors one-on-one from all over the world. That equates to a lot of years behind the scenes with his fingers firmly on the pulse of multiple industries. LinkedIn: Profile/Resume - FaceBook: Profile/Social

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